Aquilino Pimentel III and His Platforms


Aquilino Pimentel III, senatorial candidate for 2013 - Team PNoy, PDF-Laban
Aquilino Martin de la Llana Pimentel III or Aquilino Pimentel III, more popularly known as Koko Pimentel, is the son of the former senator Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. He is a candidate of the 2013 senatorial elections who was first proclaimed as the 12th winning senator in 2011 in the 2007 election.

He was narrowly defeated by Bukidnon Congressman Miguel Zubiri in the last slot in the Philippine senate after the latter got the majority of the votes in the province of Maguindanao. Aquilino Pimentel III claimed that the votes in the province was tainted and thus petitioned the Supreme Court to issue a restraining order against Zubiri’s proclamation. The high court however dismissed the petition but the Senate Electoral Tribunal still proceeded to Pimentel’s electoral protest. On August 11, 2011, the tribunal declared Koko Pimentel the real winner and he took his oath the following day.

Koko Pimentel is currently the chairman of the senate committees Electoral Reforms and People’s Participation, Games and Amusement, and Select Oversight Committee on Suffrage. Koko Pimentel was also the one responsible for Senate Bill 3104 which established the Social Housing Development and Finance Corporation Bill and SB 3115 which established the Cordillera Autonomous Region, replacing the current Cordillera Administrative Region.

Aquilino Pimentel III holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Ateneo de Manila University and a Bachelor of Laws from University of the Philippines, Diliman. He was a commissioner on the National Youth Commission representing Mindanao in 1990 and a professor in De La Salle Professional Schools and Far Eastern University Institute of Law.

Previously included in the shortlist of candidates in the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) for the upcoming elections, Aquilino Pimentel III transferred to the administration coalition of the Liberal Party, commonly known as Team PNoy, because his longtime foe Zubiri is also included on the senatorial list of UNA.

Platforsm/Advocacy of Aquilino Pimentel III

Koko Pimentel has proven his determination to initiate reform in Philippine elections, his anti-cheating advocacy, – by authoring six landmark laws, and three more bills just awaiting the President’s signature.

He is also determined to pursue legislation under the Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership.



  • Hi Mr. Pigmentel III

    I ‘ve learned that you’re born from Cagayan de oro.
    There’s a Filipino woman died here in Thailand last week.
    Her mother last wish is to bring back the body at Cagayan de oro.
    The problem is her family is just poor and the friends of the woman that died doesn’t have enough money to do it.
    I hope you can somehow help the woman with the same hometown town as yours..
    Please email me at
    And I will give you more details about it…
    I’m looking forward for your email soon..
    I hope you’ll have compassion on her. The woman that died is on her late 20’s …
    She didn’t have her own family…
    Her family in Cagayan de oro need your help to bring Bach her remains..
